Events and Networking

More grows in a garden than what the gardener sows 

Spanish proverb

CHTN holds an annual in-person conference at different locations in the Carolinas, and a variety of in-person and virtual meetings and presentations throughout the year.

Become a member to join the fun and share your experience at these events!


American Horticultural Therapy Association's Annual Conference

AHTA 2023: 50 Years of Cultivating Horticultural Therapy

October 20–21, 2023

AHTA 2023: 50 Years of Cultivating Horticultural Therapy will be virtual this year! The virtual format for AHTA 2023 creates the opportunity to reach a more expansive group of horticultural therapists from around the world. The conference format will use technology that has worked well for other recent online conferences to emphasize virtual discussion during the conference event, including small-group engagement for poster presentations. “Going Virtual” also will allow our association’s conference to reach a wider audience to match the diverse needs of professionals at all stages in their career. We look forward to supporting education and development, and facilitating networking opportunities at this year's conference! 

This year’s conference will feature a diverse array of speakers from over 10 different countries. Topics include horticultural therapy/therapeutic horticulture (HT/TH) programs of the past, current trends in HT/TH programming, and visions for the future in the field of HT/TH. Research on the use of HT/TH will also be included, as well as practical advice on building partnerships, creating portable programming stations, and publishing in the Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture.

Learn more and register here: